Monday, August 24, 2009

A Nice Sunday Ride

Yesterday was a beautiful day. Here's a good way to spend a beautiful day: take a leisurely bike ride downtown, thrill at the 20 mph cruising speed as you descend the best hill on Shartel. Soak in that lonely, weekend feeling of tall, empty Sunday buiness buildings and relatively dead streets, normally chaotic and stressful during the week. Have a free cheeseburger (or two) at SchlegelFest, an outdoor party/bicycle-shop-perusal. Ride back home, smell the bakery as you blow past it.

Even better, do it with a couple friends and Life Is Good!

(I think we shall do this route again, for both Coffeeslingers AND Cuppies and Joe are within reach!)


At 11:09 AM, Blogger Steven Stark said...

I love that ride. I am lucky that I live just a couple of blocks from 50th and Walker/Shartel. Riding downtown is the best.

thanks for sharing! i need to hit cuppies and joe...


At 2:45 PM, Blogger Mike said...

We oughta meet up for a ride some time!

I have another friend who lives at 47th and Walker!

Maybe I could hit up all of my friends' houses in a day of riding, cupcakes and coffee! :-P

At 9:22 PM, Blogger Steven Stark said...

That is a fantastic idea.

At 6:10 PM, Blogger Unknown said...

I'm in. Both Coffee Slingers and Cuppies and Joe are on my 'A' list for OKC coffee... And I can do an 11 mile ride - as long as you don't make fun of either my WalMart beach cruiser or my 1989 Huffy mountain bike. :)


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