Tuesday, March 03, 2009


Sorry I haven’t posted in a while, my darlings. Here’s what’s been happening instead of my writing for the blog:

1) As you might already know, it was exactly a year ago that I was diagnosed with Type 2 Diabetes. You may also remember my basically saying at the time “Don’t worry. I’ve got this one covered.” Well, it turns out I was right as of last week’s appointment with the Good Doctor. Based on my blood work results, he jokingly accused me of masquerading as Mike Stutzman. My blood work was perfect! Not just diabetic perfect, but regular, healthy person perfect. At which point in my appointment Dr. Cruzan pointed at his computer screen at two numbers, (my weight over the last couple years) and started to praise me for a bunch of hard work and “grabbing the bull by the horns.” Then he asked me when I’m going to write my book. I kind of chuckled and he looked at me and said- “No. Seriously. When are you going to write your book?” An intriguing idea…

In the prophetic words of a friend a year ago—“You are going to make this disease your bitch.”

2) Over the last couple months, under the encouraging words of a writer friend I have been writing a short story for the first time since, maybe junior high. As of last Friday, I have a finished rough draft. Maybe when it’s done I’ll let you all read it. I have been reminded how much fun the process of writing can be. The kinds of things I find myself considering, the kinds of minuscule choices I find myself faced with in editing—it’s a hoot and a half.

3) I read my first graphic novel last week. Watchmen? Maybe you’ve heard of it? I don’t really feel qualified to discuss its merits in comparison to the genre, and truth be told I wasn’t blown away by it. As a work of fiction, apart from the graphic component, it employs some interesting devices. Namely, the insertion of seemingly extraneous material like a book within a book, psychological profiles of characters and magazine articles that serve as a handy way to get a lot of background information into the story in quick bursts. And the book raises the question of why costumed crime fighters and “super-heroes” do what they do. Pretty unconventional answers are given in addition to the regular pragmatism that we’re used to from guys like Spider-man and Superman, from kinky sexual responses to the costume to the love of “adventure”, to pure determinism in the case of the God-like Dr. Manhattan. However, I’m still not sure why this book is so revered.

4) I’ve been listening to lots and lots of new music as of late and I’ll probably get to telling you about that in a week or two. In the meantime, go outside. Spring is becoming more and more of a reality! I think my soul may be coming back after going south for the winter!



At 7:06 PM, Blogger Steven Stark said...

I really hope you'll let me read your story!!

And put me down for a copy of the book.

At 2:52 PM, Blogger Cara said...

Hooray! A new Michael Stutzman with perfect blood! :)

At 7:51 PM, Blogger Charlie said...

Good post Mike. I look forward to reading your short story. Im glad your writer friend encouraged you to do this. Your story has the potential to inspire in large numbers. A story like yours deserves to be told.

At 9:07 PM, Blogger live compassionately said...

Mike, I am SO PROUD of you! What awesome news from the doctor - you worked so hard! Way to go!

At 8:56 AM, Blogger Amanda Fortney said...

that's so awesome, mike! you should definitely write a book.


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