Tuesday, December 04, 2007

Merry Mikemas Everybody!

I write to you tonight on a blessed Mikemas Eve.

If you ever want to conjure up a wellspring of vaguely melancholy feelings, try using fancy digital touch-up tools to try to improve a picture of yourself when you were no older than a handful of days.

This is dangerous territory for my emotional well-being for several reasons:

1) I don't recognize that kid up there, but everybody has told me it's me. It's always odd to see evidence of the you that existed before you knew you.

2) Using a computer on an artifact that is almost thirty-one years old seems kind of anachronistically wrong, as if you were trying to improve upon a pure, simple truth. "Machine in the garden" or something to that effect...I am uncomfortable with that project.

3) Innocence, helplessness...I was once innocent and helpless?

4) I used to be so damn adorable!

All that said, however, I must say that 30 was a good year and I am looking forward to 31. Thanks for sharing it all with me.


At 8:22 PM, Blogger Amanda Fortney said...

So cute!

On another note, I'm excited about the new book club!

At 8:54 PM, Blogger Mike said...

Yeah, me too.

It should be fun!

(In the way that reading books and talking about them is fun!) :-P

At 9:24 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

31. Ahhh, you are just reaching it. I am on the downhill slope towards 32........the ides of March.

Have a great day!

-Steven Stark

At 9:19 AM, Blogger jenn said...

And i love the picture!!


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