Tuesday, November 27, 2007

It Was For Yoga

You know how there are moments in your life when “it all hits you?” I know that’s vague. How about “moments of sublime transcendence?” Whatever you want to call it, I had one yesterday morning.

I’ve been trying out fitpod podcasts on a friends’ recommendation. It’s basically music to accompany your workout. I’ve been jogging at the park for quite a while now and I thought the tune called “Whispers of the Dharma” sounded intriguing. It turned out to be music for yoga--new-agey and sparse. Not the kind of thing you typically associate with a good jog. I decided to go with it anyway. I’m not the kind who typically associates.

As some of you might recall, yesterday was a pretty cold morning, in the low 30s and as this minimal music played I looked out across a vast white field of virgin snow, the sun slowly coming behind the trees on the other end of the park, casting shadows…no one else crazy enough to be up and at the park that early on a cold morning, except for a handful of geese standing around waiting for something to happen.

That was one of those rare moments, when you think “Wow, this is my life!”


At 7:29 PM, Blogger Cara said...

I call those "slow motion moments" or "movie moments." It's like you're outside your body watching it all go down and you have the epiphany. Happy/Jealous of your magical moment.

At 5:40 AM, Blogger Amanda Fortney said...

very cool.


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