Saturday, November 03, 2007

The Lyrics for a Lost Grandpa Griffith Song

I don't think this song will ever be completely finished, so I feel ok about sharing.
This was going to be an extended musical theater-type piece a la "The Bully vs. Nerd" with a lot of spoken sections. I've always been kinda proud of what I came up with for this song, (for a change.) Here are the words I wrote:


I will tell you a story.

In a small town in Spain, there lived a young boy. His name was Carlo. The boy had no friends, save one—a young bull named El Toro. El Toro and the boy shared many sunny days together, watching clouds and playing stickball. The boy loved the bull and the bull loved him.

But time loves no one and the day came when Carlo had to leave the bull. He traveled to Madrid and many years later, became the most famous matador in all of Spain. One day, El Toro was whisked away from his pen and shipped to Madrid, where he now found himself in a grand stadium, face to face with his old amigo. Carlo!

Cursed by spectators, El Toro ran up to see his old friend; but Carlo did not recognize him and danced around him, waving a red flag.


Over and over, the bull tried to get close to Carlo. But he was unsuccessful and too tired to go on. Seeing the bull weakened, Carlo ceremoniously showed the cheering crowd the sword with which he would kill the beast. He swiftly plunged the blade into the strong back of the bull. And then, he recognized the eyes of his long lost friend.

“Oh, what have I done?” Carlo gasped and fell to his knees. El Toro released his last breath and closed his eyes.

As the spectators roared, Carlo pulled the instrument of death out of the flesh of the bull. Seeing the awful blood of his friend, he turned the blade and thrust himself upon it.

As the crowd grew quiet with disbelief, the matador died.

Copyright 2004 Michael Stutzman


At 1:52 PM, Blogger Amanda Fortney said...

That's so sad! Beautifully tragic.

At 5:34 AM, Blogger jenn said...

it does make me want to shed some tears! :(

At 8:15 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

it doesn't rhyme.


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