Thursday, February 02, 2006


I don’t know if we have any theologians out there, but I would like to pose a question and would appreciate some feedback.

Often, Christians will refer to themselves as “saved.” The apostle Paul talks about being “saved by grace.” I’ve heard the phrase “once saved, always saved.” Apparently, there’s a lot of saving going on.

My question is a simple one. What exactly are Christians saved FROM?

Are they saved from God’s punishment for their sins? Or is it a kind of philosophical saving where they are free from viewing the world in certain ways?

Somebody (or somebodies) unpack all of this for me. Like I’ve written before, I grew up in a place where this kind of language was never used. And “making decisions” and “going to altars” and all of that is still kind of foreign to me.


At 2:24 PM, Blogger jenn said...

i've always thought it was saved from eternal life in hell due to our sins...but that has always been a weird saying to me

At 2:38 PM, Blogger Buenoman said...

I don't know if it's a strange or weird saying so much as it is an old or archaic saying. It probably developed around 16- or 1700's and has just been passed down from generation to generation. And, yes....I do believe that it refers to being kept safe from eternal life in Hell. Really, what else could it be referring to in the context of Christianity?

At 5:54 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Things we might be saved from:
ourselves (selfishness).

At 9:53 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Or maybe we're saved from:
the devil.
our damaging habits.
the inability to see ourselves for who we truly are.
the rat-race of life.
trying to always get ahead.
our self-worth based on anything except Jesus.
our fears.

I think Christians are saved from a lot of things...but perhaps Christians are more of the "being saved" in the world, rather than the "saved".

At 11:11 AM, Blogger Buenoman said...

I like Jason's last answer.


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