Monday, April 30, 2007

Catching Up

Today was the first day back at work after a week off. I was in Savannah, GA for my older brother's wedding last week. Congrats to non-regular readers Todd and Leigh. In short, it was a pleasant time with family and friends new and old. Which surprised me a bit.

I had a bit of dread at the prospect of the type of social obligations that usually accompany a weddding in the family, which don't agree with my constitution. Maybe more on all that later. Suffice it to say I had some revelations of dread and its role in my life.

The CD sale has gone well so far. These albums are going quickly, my friends. Act now. Operators are standing by.

Speaking of music, I've been listening to some John Coltrane, trying to figure out what all the hubub is about. This was all sparked by the new Traneology podcast, (as well as countless mentions in my reading over the years.) But I gotta say, after listening to _Giant Steps_ and _Ballads_ I'm still not sure I get it. It's not that I don't LIKE this music. I do. But I'm not sure why Coltrane is such a monolithic musical figure. There are plenty of other artists like that- people you're supposed to like or appreciate.


At 9:29 AM, Blogger Kelly Yates, PhD said...

Sale going well? That would be because there are piles at my house now!!!

At 9:38 AM, Blogger Mike said...


Yours shall be a house of rock for a long time hence.

At 3:53 PM, Blogger Kelly Yates, PhD said...

It's been a house of rock for along time. 6 guitars??? Who needs 6 guitars??


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