Monday, December 19, 2005

Babies and Dogs

It seems that all of you, my friends, are out to destroy any manliness left within me. First of all, congratulations are in order for Anne and James Deaton, (OG Grandpa Griffith fans), on the birth of their baby boy, Philip Powell. Philip has already shown promise as a man of taste as he chose December 5th as his birthday. You might recognize that as the day of my own birth. Clearly, he is destined to do great things. Christmas came a little early for them.

Also, the world has gone dog crazy since last I wrote-Christina and Aaron and Jenn are all due congratulations on the acquisition of their new puppies. I have seen both Baxter and Riley, have judged their relative merits, and I can vouch for their cuteness and pronounce a tie as to which is the better breed.

However, you shall not break me. I will retain my concrete heart and abstain from bringing a four-legged, furry freeloader into my domain. I do enough shedding of my own, thank you very much.


At 5:06 AM, Blogger jenn said...

i bet we are getting close to breaking you though : )


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