Monday, July 24, 2006

In the Moment

I usually think of myself as a guy with concrete flowing through his veins and a heart of stone.

But once in a great while, I feel like I’m privy to a moment of sublime…”rightness”…for lack of a better word.

It happened on Saturday night. A bunch of friends and I at a duck pond, wasting away the twilight hours and unseasonably cool weather with whatever conversation came up. And then a similar situation later, with snow-cones by a busy street, the rest of the world hurrying to some destination down the road.

It’s my belief that the simpler life of wasting time like this with friends should actually be the destination. So, often, though, we’re running and scurrying, from this obligation to this diversion to this expensive entertainment. But to me, none of that busyness can compare to slowing down enough to look someone else in the eyes and relate- to share stories, share time, share the unspoken pain and joy of existence. I get a little caught up in it sometimes and ruin the moment by saying something trite like “It doesn’t get any better than this.”

But it seems that sometimes “sharing” life doesn’t come naturally. Sometimes, to me anyway, people seem to be more trouble than they are worth. Sometimes “hording” seems a little easier. As if you could really get through life hording your time, thoughts and experiences to yourself. That becomes impossible the moment you walk out your door.

End diary entry.


At 9:40 PM, Blogger jenn said...

I also think that times like those are special!! and it think its brings people together!!


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